Wifi Rental

Rent a WiFi unit for the duration of your holiday. You can take the unit anywhere with you as it is pocket size. Battery life is approx 3-4 hours, it charges like a mobile phone. We recommend you charge overnight then again in the evening before you go out.
The cost is £3.50 per day, £20 for a week, £30 for 10 days or £35 for a fortnight. A refundable deposit of £30 is taken at the start of the rental period and refunded when the unit is given back to us in working order.
7 GB of data for 1 week rental or 12 GB of data for 10 days or 2 weeks. Connect up to 5 devices at any one time. Most of our units are on the vodafone network which is the fastest and best connection in Egypt.
For more information, please contact us at enquiries@sinaiexcursions.co.uk
Fair Usage Policy
We do not allow abuse of our units, we do not allow downloading of films, live streaming or file sharing software. After monitoring for a period of months we have found average wifi usage is between 4-8GB per week, this covers facebook, email, skype, viber, whatsapp and plenty of internet browsing. Should we feel you are using the service inappropriately and have used over 12GB in an abnormal amount of time, we may investigate this further and depending on the result we may return your security deposit and take the unit back or you may be asked to pay for your own usage going forward. Please note this is only in extreme cases, we acknowledge the fact emergencies can happen and people may go slightly over normal usage, which is fine, intentionally abusing the units is a different matter and we must protect ourselves from this as ultimately it loses the company money.